Honza chodec, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

HowTo export e-book annotations from Kobo eReaders (on Linux)

Reading is one of my big hobbies. And in the meantime, I also read non-fiction and scientific literature on my Kobo eReader. For me, one important part of reading and learning from non-fiction books is to make annotations. Kobo supports making highlights and annotations in ebooks. But the question is now, how to get them from the eReader for further usage or processing (and of course, on a Linux machine)?


#How To #Linux

Signal Logo

Update: HowTo build Signal desktop on openSUSE Tumbleweed

This is an update to my previous blog post in 2019. I use, among others, the Signal App as messenger. Of course, I also want to use the advantages of running a client also on my Laptop with my current distribution openSUSE Tumbleweed. However, the Signal foundation does only provide packages for Ubuntu-based systems, so I need to build it by myself. Due to permanent updates of the app, I’ve to rebuild it once in a while…and here is how:


#How To #Linux

The composable Mantle architecture (copyright IEEE)

A Case for Function-as-a-Service with Disaggregated FPGAs

What does it take to realize highly dynamic cloud services like Function-as-a-Service with FPGAs? Find out in my recent paper titled A Case for Function-as-a-Service with Disaggregated FPGAs (DOI: 10.1109/CLOUD53861.2021.00047). Published in the Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). Abstract The slowdown of Moore’s law and the end of Dennard scaling created a demand for specialized accelerators, including Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), in cloud data centers.



GRUB boot loader

Manual booting linux with LVM (and fixing grub)

Just a short notice, so that I know it if I need it again…and others could find it. Recently, upgrading a VM to Debian 10 resulted in a broken bootloader. The error message was: symbol ‘grub_calloc’ not found And the grub resuce shell did prompt. Manual boot with an LVM file system The VM was patitioned using a LVM (Locigal Volume Manager) setup. Hence, the default root partition is not just /dev/sda or so.


#How To #Linux

Transpilation principle (copyright IEEE)

Programming Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Computing Clusters Using MPI With Transpilation

How can the execution of a collective program optimized for heterogeneous CPU + FPGA clusters? A part of the answer is transpilation and you can find out more in my recent paper about Programming Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Computing Clusters Using MPI With Transpilation (DOI: 10.1109/H2RC51942.2020.00006). Published in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC’20). Abstract With the slowdown of Moore’s law and the stop of Dennard scaling, energy efficiency of compute hardware translates to compute power.



ZRLMPI principle (copyright IEEE)

ZRLMPI: A Unified Programming Model for Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Computing Clusters

How can a unified programming model for heterogeneous CPU + FPGA clusters look like? Find out in my recent paper about ZRLMPI: A Unified Programming Model for Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Computing Clusters (DOI: 10.1109/FCCM48280.2020.00051). Published in the Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM). Abstract Over the past two decades, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has evolved as the de-facto standard for programming High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters.



RPLS Reverse Engineering

Recover video recordings from Panasonic DVR based on MEIHDFS, BDAV, and RPLS

Therefore, go home to your villages and repair the IT of your families! (Jesus, never) Despite all circumstances, I managed to visit my family this Christmas. And to some extend, it is tradition that I use some of the time at home to repair/update/replace some IT devices of my family. This year however, I had a special challenge: Copy the recordings of the family camcorder, that were transferred to the external HDD of a Panasonic DVR to a usual PC.


#How To #Linux

OpenSuse Tumbleweed

HowTo build Displaylink driver for OpenSuse Tumbleweed with latest kernel

New laptop, new dock, latest software…great, isn’t it? I always like those “fresh starts” with new hardware and a new setup. Not only because you have cool new hardware, but also, because it’s a possibility to cut off old pigtails. And, you then have best performance and security with latest software… Well, if there wouldn’t be commercial software for hardware drivers. Preamble / The source of the Problem: DisplayLink With my new ThinkPad, I’m using a USB-C dock and therefore planned to connect my external monitors to this dock.


#How To #Linux

LOAD Tipps

Sicheres Home Office – Nicht nur während Corona

Plötzlich Home Office! Um der Corona-Krise Herr zu werden, motivieren offizielle Stellen permanent die Bevölkerung zu Hause zu arbeiten, wenn es denn möglich ist. Home Office ist auch ohne Krise eine Herausforderung und bedarf einiger Gewöhnung, bevor man die damit verbundenen Vorteile ausnutzen kann. Jetzt aber plötzlich alle auf einmal! Über die damit einhergehenden Herausforderungen für die IT-Sicherheit, wurde schon viel geschrieben u.a. [1 – 4]. Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf load-ev.


#internet politics #Discussions

Bourne Again SHell

SOCKS proxy using ssh (with i3 integration)

From time to time, thanks to geoblocking or IP address based authorization, you need to access websites through a proxy. If you have access to a machine that would have the right address range or region, an easy and straightforward way is to use ssh: $ ssh -N -D 8180 <desired_machine> & i3 integration If you need this proxy more frequently and you want to have the status of the proxy connection displayed in your i3-status line (from the window manager i3wm), then you can integrate the proxy with the following scripts:


#CaffeeLog #Linux