
Spell checking in Vim

Mark Twain has been quoted as saying that he respected a person who could spell a word more than one way. Unfortunately, Twain’s enthusiasm for creative spelling isn’t widely shared today, at least in the professional world. (1) You know Vim already from a lot of features, including Macros, Reg Ex, or code formatting. Now, let’s add spell checking: Support for spell checking was added in Vim 7 and therefore it is really easy to activate:


#CaffeeLog #Vim

Courser highlighting and code formating in Vim

Every Programmer knows some of these very annoying situations: you have to edit someones code and he likes it to use really long lines you write in a language, which is sensitive to Indenting (e.g. Phyton, YAML) you have to read/edit someones code and he doesn’t now what Code Style means… So, to boils it down to one Point: You have trouble to because of bad code formating…


#CaffeeLog #Vim