FFMPEG: convert flac to mp3 and copy id3tags
Posted #CaffeeLog#Linux
And again something to ffmpeg: this very sophisticated tool can not only convert video or audio files. It also can handle the associated metadata.
So, when you have a big music-library in the lossless format .flac (or .wav) and want to have it also on mobile devices you probably convert the files to mp3 or similar. Also, I do so, because when I’m travelling around I’ve mostly not the silence and equipment to hear music in best quality, so a little loss of quality through the use of mp3 would not be noticed. But the smaller file sizes (up to factor 10) is recognized by your disc space!
Additionally I want the mp3-files contain the same metadata as the flac-files, so I can search my library comfortable.
As mentioned, this can again done by ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i inputfile.flac -ab 180k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 output.mp3
The two interesting options:
- -ab
The bitrate
- -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3
copy the idv3 tags
But…as lazy as we computer scientist are, we doesn’t want to do this file by file…so, this script may be useful:
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
mkdir mp3
for file in ./*.flac; do
echo -e "${GREEN} ffmpeg -i $file ./mp3/$base.mp3 ${NC}"
ffmpeg -i $file -ab 120k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 ./mp3/$base.mp3
This script iterates over every .flac file in the current directory and convert it to mp3 in the created mp3-subdirectory and copies the metadata. Additionally the script do some color in the output to easily follow the progress.
Happy converting!