New year, new blog!
Posted #CaffeeLog

Finally, I found the time and motivation to update my blog
Since the initial setup of this blog in Joomla in 2015, I found a lot of lightweight but useful frameworks for websites and blogs and I slowly reconsidered my opinion over how to setup a good webpage. In the past, I preferred Joomla over Wordpress, because I liked powerful and feature-rich engine and I found for every idea I had for my webpage a suitable plug-in or component.
But…I never used the capabilities or I hesitated to integrate new components due to the enormous effort that this will take, due to the very sophisticated framework. Over time, I became a real fan of Markdown and consequently of web engines that uses Markdown as core language. In particular, I appreciated Jekyll and Hugo.
Due to various reasons, I decided to go for Hugo….and now, this new blog is online!
The setup was really straight forward and fast, following the Quick Start guide.
In addition, I decided to use aether as the basis for my theme.
I also migrated most of the posts of the previous versions.
Furthermore, I can publish posts by a simple git push
now and can use Vim for editing. No further need for web forms, WYSIWYG editors or trouble with session expires.
So, once again, don’t panic and have a nice cup of 11001010111111111110111011011110 !